Maths is a fundamental part of our everyday lives from, technology, travel and construction to health, medicine and much more. The learning of maths starts from when we are born and begin to make sense of the world around us, starting with shapes and patterns. Armfield Academy has a team of passionate mathematicians who want to support and encourage our learners to organise, develop and deepen their maths skills and knowledge.

We adapt a mastery approach allowing learners to develop and explore their own learning styles. A mastery scheme is structured so that topics are studied in blocks, which are broken down into smaller steps, allowing time and opportunities for pupils to gain a deeper understanding of key concepts while exploring the links to other areas within mathematics and across subjects.

A mastery approach involves 3 area referred to as the CPA approach.

C is for Concrete; these are the physical manipulatives that learners can use and move in order to develop their thinking around a problem or concept. Examples of the manipulatives range from specifically designed equipment such as; bead strings, multilink cubes and counters to everyday objects around us, such as; money, marbles, buttons and even fidget poppers.

P is for Pictorial; this phase involves learners representing the problem visually. Typical examples of this are bar modelling and number lines.

A is for Abstract; the abstract phase refers to our traditional mathematical methods for solving problems.

Throughout the phases at Armfield Academy a typical lesson will involve learners developing their subject specific language, problem solving skills, resilience and passion. We focus on the instinctively inquisitive nature of young people to highlight our passion for the subject and develop them as competent mathematicians.

At Armfield academy we follow the Whiterose Maths Scheme of Learning from EYFS all the way through to GCSE which is mapped to the national curriculum.

  • EYFS

In our EYFS, children learn through play. They use a wide variety of real-life objects in different areas in the classroom including, small world play, counters, cubes, role play etc. Numbers and counting are presented to them in many different ways in their environment. Children are given lots of practical opportunities to explore and develop calculation. 

  • Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1, pupils continue learning fluency facts and practise skills using a range of concrete resources to answer simple calculations and solve problems. Pupils begin to develop their reasoning skills verbally with the support of an adult, explaining the steps they have taken and how they have reached an answer.


  • Key Stage 2

By the end of Key Stage 2, our aim is to ensure that all pupils are fluent in the key concepts of mathematics and are able to apply this knowledge in a range of contexts. In this key stage, as part of our mastery approach, pupils still use a range of familiar manipulatives to develop understanding of skills, moving through to abstract methods. Pupils reason mathematically and problem solve, developing their ability to present justifications and proof using mathematical language in both verbal and written forms.


  • Key Stage 3

At KS3 pupils will be given the opportunity to use the CPA approach to gain a deeper understanding of key concepts. They will be encouraged to draw on skills developed to solve problems and explore connections between the different areas of mathematics.




  • Key Stage 4

At KS4 pupils will sit the Edexcel maths GCSE. This offers a 2-tier entry, higher and foundation, and we work with pupils to ensure that they sit the tier that best suits them and maximises their potential.


Both tiers involve three 90 min assessments; 1 non-calculator and 2 calculator papers.


The skills learned in maths are transferable to a range of jobs and opportunities as individuals move beyond education and into the real-world.

Mathematics Curriculum

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